The Climb

The Climb

The climb. Inherent value. We all have it.  Regardless of nationality, race, creed, or socio-economic background, we all are inherently valuable.  How do I know?  Good question.  I can remember how I have wondered what my own value and purpose was...


Ever felt overwhelmed with this, that, or the other?  It happens…sometimes more than we’d like (cancel, clear, delete).  And you can change right now and decide that you will choose to be at cause, taking full responsibility for your life.  Sound too...
Fearing The Unknown

Fearing The Unknown

Do you ever notice a lingering fear that haunts your waking thoughts?  It becomes the mountain right on your path to get you to your goals.  It’s like no matter which way you turn, there’s that mountain right in your way. Why are you on this path...
Enhance Your Communication Skills

Enhance Your Communication Skills

Communication has been around for ages, right.  Throughout the caveman times and all the innovation with how we interact with one another, communication has been a big part of the equation.  The way we communicate to ourselves and with others has such an...
How NLP Works

How NLP Works

Throughout my time working with NLP, I have heard it said now and then that NLP is a this or that thing. Wanting to be open to understanding more about this perspective, I did some research. I was curious to understand why something so powerful as NLP would be...