Build a profitable coaching empire that transforms lives.


Build a profitable coaching empire that transforms lives.

Are you:

=> A Corporate Professional who is ready to break free and build your own business?

=> A Coach with a flatlined practice, burnt out, trading all your time for money?

=> A Business Owner who struggles to scale because of poor systems and money blocks?

=> A Leader who suffers from upper-limit problems who is ready to skyrocket your success?

The Elite Coaching Academy (ECA) is a dynamic & comprehensive certification program.

We train you to become one of the world’s most elite Coaches. And we don’t stop there.

Getting certified as a Coach is one thing. Becoming a sought-after Coach? That’s a whole different level of excellence.

We help you do BOTH.

With us, you’ll learn the tools and techniques to radically transform your clients’ lives AND design a scalable, successful business.

At the completion of our program, you’ll have EIGHT powerful certifications in NLP, Life Coaching, Hypnosis, and Quantum Time Technique.*

In these 12 transformational months, you will:

=> Obliterate the competition with an unrivaled skillset and up-leveled mindset.

=> Radically grow your income and impact by charging with your worth and fully owning your value.

=> Conquer all roadblocks and challenges that business and life throw at you… and turn them into solutions.

=> Help your clients breakthrough and achieve the results they want faster.

=> Create more time freedom for yourself to experience life outside of business. Enjoy better health, better relationships, and, better everything.

*You will receive your Practitioner Level Certifications after you complete the first part of the program and your Master Practitioner Level Certifications after you complete the second part.


NLP is the most effective tool to help you leverage the power of the unconscious mind.

If you’ve ever recognized a behavior in a client and they pushed back, saying: “I don’t do that!” – then you realize what happens when people aren’t aware of their behavior.

NLP takes care of that by providing a real, fundamental, root cause tool to break through your clients at an unconscious level.

This is not some bizarre, cult-like, mind trickery. NLP is a “best-kept secret” for leaders and top trainers.

When you have these tools, you will get incredible results for your clients, command premium prices, and multiply your profits.

We take a modern, actionable, non-stuffy approach to NLP. We offer the ONLY training on NLP that teaches you how to make money and apply the tools to all areas of your life.


Four Practitioner Level Certifications:


  • Certified in Neuro-linguistic
  • Programming (NLP)
  • Certified in Quantum Time Technique®
  • Certified in Hypnosis
  • Certified in Life Coaching

Four Mastery Level Certifications:


  • Master Certified in Neuro-linguistic
    Programming (NLP)
  • Master Certified in Quantum
    Time Technique®
  • Master Certified in Hypnosis
  • Master Certified in Life Coaching

Live Training


21 days of hands-on training available throughout the year where you get to experience the power of NLP with your own breakthroughs and refine your Practitioner skills.

Online Training

Exclusive access to our training portal where you will learn the skills to catapult you to elite coaching status quickly within our dynamic online classroom.

Weekly Group Coaching


Enjoy exclusive Master Classes, refine your tools, ask our experts questions, and connect with the ECA Community with weekly group coaching.

Private Accountability + Breakthrough Coaching


Achieve your goals, improve your money mindset, and breakthrough limiting beliefs with the help of an in-house Master Certified Coach.

Build Your Best Business Model


Blueprints, templates, and techniques to grow your successful coaching practice.

Refine Your Skills


Practice your new skills with a partner, get invaluable feedback.

Red Carpet Treatment


World-class student support, surprise bonus content, and VIP pricing to future Yager Training events.


Along with your ECA enrollment, you’ll access these exciting bonuses.

Zero to 6-Figures: Online Business Training
Build your coaching practice to $100k and beyond.

Quick-Start Sales: Online Program
Give your business an instant cash infusion.

Phone Sales Script
Confidently close with an easy-to-follow script. This script has earned $100k+ in new
business and is worth the investment of the entire academy!


Hey future Elites,

We’re Deb and Brandon Yager, husband & wife and co-founders of Yager Training.

Our meet-cute story goes like this:

We met years ago at our first NLP training. (If you didn’t know NLP training was the best dating pool for awake individuals, now you know!)

At the time, Brandon was an overweight Realtor, working day & night to close deals, and completely unfulfilled both professionally and personally.

Deb was an illiterate, (drug)-addicted stripper & sex worker, with deep-bodied shame and issues with self-worth.

We both found ourselves at this training for different reasons. Brandon was searching for something more. He recognized his potential but had no idea how to unlock it. Deb had such low self-esteem that she didn’t believe she could do anything else. A friend she admired introduced her to NLP, and she thought: maybe there is a shred of hope for me.

Today, we’re a happily married couple running a successful coaching company. We are fully confident in our value and potential. We even scaled our business to 7-figures during a pandemic.

We’re not “perfect” by any means. We didn’t have life handed to us on a silver platter. Just like you, we are messy humans who make mistakes.

How do we break through all the struggles and challenges?

That’s EXACTLY what we teach in Elite Coaching Academy.

You’ll hear our personal stories (ohhhh, do we have stories to tell!)

We’ll teach you every tool in our toolbox, everything we’ve experienced going from rock bottom (more than once) to the top.


  • On-Boarding Quick-Start
  • Months 1-3: Introduction to NLP, Hypnosis, QTT, Life Coaching Tools
  • Months 3-6: Refine Your Tools and Maximize Your Profitable Business Model
  • Months 7-9: Advanced Techniques in NLP, Hypnosis, QTT, Life Coaching
  • Months 10-12: Refine Your Business Model, Demonstrate Your Success + Graduation


We love to talk, but actions always speak louder than words.

So, are you ready to take action, breakthrough your revenue plateau, become a
sought-after leader in your field, and up-level your entire business and life?
Yes, yes, and YES?