The climb.
Inherent value.
We all have it. Regardless of nationality, race, creed, or socio-economic background, we all are inherently valuable.
How do I know? Good question. I can remember how I have wondered what my own value and purpose was in this lifetime. Seems like a big thing to figure out and it is simpler than you might think.
I spent my life, from a young age, wondering why I am here, what am I meant to do in this world. I am thankful for this curiosity because it is what got me through the times in life when I felt less than deserving. Ever been there? Many have and it’s a good place to be because this place of curiosity enables one to find their path.
Let me share some of my learnings with you in hopes these learnings will encourage you on your path.
First, your path will twist and turn, many times. I have not met anyone who has had it easy and with 100% certainty from moment to moment. Welcome to LIFE. It is a gift that you get to create. So, create it. Even when you think you cannot change course or do something different, I encourage you to check in with yourself and ask questions about what you are doing and if it is lighting you up.
Begin by asking yourself if you are fulfilled? Are you doing the things in life that bring you joy? If so, great. I could not be happier for you! And if you are not fulfilled and doing things that bring you joy, what does that mean for you? Take some time, right now, and get clear on what it means to be living the life you are unfulfilled and joyless. Just be curious.
Next, spend some time in self-reflection and introspection, define what your goals and dreams are. Become self-aware.
What outcomes do you want in life? I’m not really interested in what you don’t want. That may seem harsh. It’s not. I am more concerned with your wants than the other because the more you focus on your wants the more you gravitate toward the desired outcome.
Your dreams and goals are vitally important and unique to you. While others may have similar goals, your goals are unlike others. Because of this, I implore you to go all in and identify your action steps needed to reach your goals. Maybe you aren’t sure what the action steps are. This can be such an empowering place to be if you choose to see it from that lens. Again, be curious.
Oftentimes in life, we come to a place where uncertainty creeps in. Sometimes this leaves us feeling things that cause us to become stuck. I get it. Uncertainty can be several things such as scary, intimidating, etc. Uncertainty can also be a place of courage and tenacity. You choose. And please choose now what it is for you.
If you are still reading, I hope you decided that uncertainty IS an opportunity for courage and determination to be expressed. The world is waiting for you to be, do and have all that is meant for you. Embrace the beauty of this moment and take the next steps toward YOU 2.0.
Not sure what the next step is? I have been there. Two years ago, I was lost in many ways. I was desperate to find my path and felt stuck, not sure what to do next. This was an old story that I created years ago. The truth is, I have been on my path all along. My problem, if you will, was that I was not allowing myself to fully step into who I am. That is no longer the case because I took step after step to keep growing and moving closer and closer to my desired future.
Back when I was lost, I had recently retired from the military, had obtained my Graduate degree in Mental Health Counseling, and I still felt unfulfilled after working in corporate for a year. I am thankful for the inner flame inside that always wanted more, more knowledge, more experiences, more impact, more fulfillment. Because of this, I mustered up the courage to work on releasing the past that seemed to have me locked in a death grip.
I have known for years that I have a message to share with the world and yet I doubted my ability to be, do and have all that I hoped for. I was doing most things on my own. While that may have been admirable and given some the impression I was independent; the truth was I was still hiding behind lack of trust in myself mostly. I had spent my life trying to unlearn things that were not working for me, yet I couldn’t figure out how to leave the past in the past. I seemed to keep going back to pick up the baggage.
Then, one day, a good friend connected me with my first life coach. My first life coach helped me to begin to unwind all the stories I had created and become entwined in. It was what I needed at that juncture of life. Then, I met a coach who spoke the way I spoke , took time to understand me, and helped me level up massively.
This connection led me to the Yager’s Training Company where I leveled up times over. I started with the Profit Accelerator. I knew I was in the right place. It was as if the veil had been removed from my heavy eyes. From there, I sought more and now here I am being, doing and having all that I have dreamt of.
So, if you are wondering and feeling tired of the struggle, I encourage you to break free from it. Take the next step toward your future. Enroll in the next Profit Accelerator and begin your maiden flight of the next chapter. Your future self is thanking you now for being brave and stepping off the hamster wheel.
From the desk of Amie A.
Author, Speaker, Coach